Friday, February 19, 2010

Food News: Nooks and Crannies

There are certain nom noms you just can't get anywhere else.

Maybe it's your grand mama's biscuits
Your pop's secret bbq sauce
The family lumpia
or the neighbor's amazing sangria

That's one of the beautiful things about food- you can pass it down generation to generation as part of your heritage and culture. You always know who made what at gatherings. Oh geez- it's burned- that means one of the cousins made it!- or - Wow, that melted in my mouth, must have been my brother in law.

I want to create a recipe that is coveted in such a way. How does one stumble across a unique classic? The dynamics of a tradition.

It's also a sad thing when people let these small family traits go because they simply do not want to to learn (same goes with language). So if your folks can cook something bangin, linger around the kitchen and take notes!

This just popped to mind while I was driving into work this morning listening to the radio. Apparently, there are only 7 people in the world who know how Thomas English Muffins work. I did not realize it was such a secret! Makes you wonder. Is it how the bake it? The type of flour?

How does one make a classic?