Sunday, March 20, 2011

Matcha Green Tea Malted Milkshake

Hey, you! Get off my cloud! You don't know me and you don't know my style! Ahem. Sorry, cleaning the house and there's a little Wu-Tang Clan blasting.

This is going to be a quickie post. There is ironing still to be done! Hooray? I wanted to share this recipe from Joy the Baker. This is probably going to be my treat after I put a dent in that pile of shirts. Thank you Lawd for chill Sundays.

This Matcha Green Tea Malted Milkshake is a little "exotic." The process of creating it is super easy- it's a matter of finding two ingredients:

1) matcha powder: finely grown green tea leaves; I found some in the tea section of Wegman's.

2) malt powder: there are several brands, I found one by Ovaltine.

Once you find these, it's a sinch! Dump everything into the blender and zzzzrrrrr! The end result is a smooth, sweet treat. It's hard to explain the actual flavor. Don't worry, it does not taste like those malt ball candies you buy at the movies. The vanilla and honey balance everything. If you like green tea deserts, you'll loves!

This does not taste like that crap you get at Starbucks. Yah I went there. That Green Tea Creamer Frappocinno makes me nervous. The matcha comes in this big white bag and one must question the quality. Matcha aint cheap. I'll stick to this home made version where I know what's going into my tummy thank you very much.

For your amusement, a photo of the ghetto set up done in an effort to take a nice picture of the milkshake. This is what happens when you don't have good lighting in your kitchen and want to take a photo at night. See how much I loves you?

Now go enjoy this chill Sunday afternoon.

Matcha Green Tea Malted Milkshake
by Joy The Baker

1/2 cup milk
1 generous cup vanilla ice cream
1 tablespoon matcha powder
1 1/2 tablespoons malt powder
dash of vanilla extract
2 teaspoons honey

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy and no big chunks remain.
