is a time for reflection. Something about getting a new calender has that effect. Sit back, try to
relax, and focus on the good things. There's no point in dwelling on the
negative. This was a milestone year filled with change and
New job. New home. The birth of my adorable nephew. And of course, the official start of something magical.
Are you still dwelling on the negative? Stop it. If you don't like something, make a battle plan and do something about it.
I don't believe in "resolutions." It makes it sound like you did
something wrong and need to amend it. Screw that man. Recap of last year:

Feels good to scratch those off- I love making lists and attacking them. There's satisfaction in knowing things got done. I need to put more thought into this year's battle plan. I know stepping up my language game is on there. The boy and I are working on French and I would like to polish my Portuguese. Plus, I need to get dual American-European citizenship so I won't need a work visa overseas. Hooray for fob parents! We also plan on being a kitten foster home, aka. the kitty hotel. Plans poppin, moo ha ha ha.
To welcome in the new year, I would like to give you a present: this hella cute kitchen towel set from World Market. I hope you like them! It's 2 towels and a pot holder.

Entering is easy! Just leave a comment with:
1. Your name
2. Your email addresse
3. What you're looking forward to in 2012
4. Giveaway ends January 12 at 11:59pm; the winner will be selected at random.
Hello 2012! Make it count!