July marked the most magical day of my existence: the man of my dreams proposed. He caught my attention the moment I heard his laugh because it was so genuine. That was back in what, 2007? As cheesy as this sounds, we met through dancing. We both break dance.
He was the sole respondent to a post I had placed on a local forum for
practice spots. It was just practice after all.
Little did either of us realize that this casual exchange would define what was to be.
Little did either of us realize that this casual exchange would define what was to be.
The photo shoot was done by a family friend and his cousin. They're both growing photographers and were thrilled to have some guinea pigs. As you can see- they did an amazing job.
I must admit, I was not initially excited to have the pictures taken on the dock. It was chilly and windy out so all that hair straightening was literally blown away. It was totally worth it though. I love fall colors and these pictures really captured that VA landscape. Browns, reds, and yellows! Beautiful!
I must admit, I was not initially excited to have the pictures taken on the dock. It was chilly and windy out so all that hair straightening was literally blown away. It was totally worth it though. I love fall colors and these pictures really captured that VA landscape. Browns, reds, and yellows! Beautiful!

We laughed the entire time. Rick's wife carried the light reflector like a turtle shell; our mother's conspired all cozy with a blanket on a nearby bench; and Daniel snapped goofy candid shots as we struggled modeling.
My advise is if you need fancy pictures, have them done by somebody you're comfortable with. My co-worker, whose also engaged, and I compared notes from our separate experiences. They had a difficult time with their shoot because the photographer wanted them to strike artificial poses and act super cutesy. It's all about being natural.
My advise is if you need fancy pictures, have them done by somebody you're comfortable with. My co-worker, whose also engaged, and I compared notes from our separate experiences. They had a difficult time with their shoot because the photographer wanted them to strike artificial poses and act super cutesy. It's all about being natural.

And what's more natural than the median in which we met. If a man could fall in love with me based on what I wear to practice, he really ain't superficial! Nothing spells romance like sweat and sneakers. We kept this segment short and sweet with my trademark hat and his love for fresh Stussy.
This man is the best thing that could have happened to my world and I cannot wait to officially be the wifey. Never settle- be with someone who will take care of your soul. DMD, all day every day. Ride for mah homies!
This man is the best thing that could have happened to my world and I cannot wait to officially be the wifey. Never settle- be with someone who will take care of your soul. DMD, all day every day. Ride for mah homies!
Thanks for peeping!