Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pre Wedding Muse

As I sit in the living room, petting Autumn, I cannot help but take it all in. I am more than happy to be marrying my best friend. I know that's cliche but it's honest. We met doing something we both love- dancing- and formed a great friendship over the years. It was filled with car rides to practice, epic long emails, sharing songs, trash talk, laughing at the lengths we'd go to all hang out, letting our creativity bounce off the walls (the muse & interpreter), hoping "she dreams of me", wishing on stars in Costa Rica, and unconditional encouragement. That's one of the things that really caught my heart about Mike.... his positivity. All we've ever wanted was the other to be happy and we pushed each other to be better people (just "keeping the honest people honest!"). I knew from the moment I heard his laugh that this guy was special and I wanted him in my life. I just can't believe I would be so lucky to have this engagement ring on my finger. 

Te amo.