Thursday, July 26, 2018

Bad Day Brontosaurus Cake

This is the story about a cake that started one way... and took a sharp turn in another direction. I wanted to share this story because... well. It's a weird one. And funny. Not funny ha ha. But it has a silver lining!

So a buddy of mine awhile back asked me to bake a cake for his girlfriend's son's birthday party. Little Leo loved the Toy Story series. In keeping with the theme, the hubby helped me cut out fondant in the style of the animation's signature font. We also purchased some tiny figurines of the characters to adorn the cake. The cake itself is my favorite Tres Leches cake with lightly colored chantilly whipped cream topping. So amazingly good.

The day my friend was supposed to pick up the cake, he texted me to cease and desist all operations. He and the girlfriend had broken up - she was not being faithful. Ouch. Thus, it was no longer appropriate to give a cake to her son on his birthday. Well. Feel bad for this person because she missed out on a nice guy... and damn good cake.

Since the cake was already made, I insisted he still pick it up. I gingerly removed the fondant decorations. There was temptation to write something witty or snarky. Make this once pure and innocent cake into an ode to scorned lovers. I'm not sure what possessed me... but I drew a brontosaurus instead and dubbed it, "the Bad Day Brontosaurus Cake."

We had a few laughs and head shakes. He actually gave the cake to a low-income family in his neighborhood with two young children (see! NICE GUY! SINGLE FILE, LADIES!). Thus, a silver lining was made in a bad situation.

 Turn those bad days into Brontosaurus cake.